About Professional Development
In partnership with CARD, PEPSA offers workshops and training events designed to build the professional development capacity of Florida educators to meet the educational needs of students with ASD. This includes Statewide workshops hosted by regional CARD sites, summer training events, and a Pre-Conference Day for Educators at the Annual CARD Conference with nationally recognized experts in ASD. View our ample collection of training content, which you can filter by CARD site, title, presenter, date, etc.
Upcoming Webinar Trainings
Training Title
Bulletproofing Your IEPs: Developing Educationally
Meaningful & Legally Correct Special Education Programs |
Mitchell L. Yell, PhD |
February 1-28 |
Open |
When It’s More than Just Rigidity: Addressing Co-Occurring Obsessive Compulsive Symptoms in Individuals with ASD |
Andrea D. Guastello, PhD |
February 6 & 20
March 6 |
Open |
Bulletproofing Your IEPs with Measureable Annual
Goals & Progress Monitoring |
Mitchell L. Yell, PhD
March 1-31 |
Open |
Understanding Sensory Integration (ASI) Therapy and Its Impact on Occupational Performance |
Dominique Kiefer, OTD, OTR/L
March 12 |
Open |
Addressing the Mental Health Needs of Individuals with ASD |
Danielle Liso, Ph.D., BCBA-D
March 28 |
Open |
Disciplining Students with Autism: Best Practices &
Avoiding Violations of the Law |
Mitchell L. Yell, PhD |
April 1 - 30 |
Open |
Finding Their Voice: AAC Strategies to Empower Students
with Complex Communications Needs |
Elizabeth Biggs, PhD |
April 1-30 |
Open |
Cracking the Behavior Code: A Book Study for Educators on The Behavior Code |
Jessica Minahan, M.Ed., BCBA |
April 1-May 6 |
Open |
The General Rules of Discipline of Students with Disabilities and their Practical Application |
Julie Weatherly, Esq. |
April 16 |
Open |
Game Changer: Developing Healthy Video Game Habits in Autistic Youth |
Steve Arcidiacono, Ph.D. |
May 1 - 31 |
Open |